The Soul in the Pandemic – 3 John 2

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 2).

We often speak of the spirit and the body but not always the soul.  The soul that I’m referring to is that place in the human of beauty, art, romance, adventure, relationships, music and more.  It is that place of pleasure and pain and life.

In this pandemic I find that my soul is feeling quite empty.  I find myself doing strange things that I know are probably stress related.  And inwardly there is a cry of my soul to be renewed and refreshed.

It’s a challenging time because when we most need to be around people, not everyone wants to be near us.  Or at least they want to be mindful of the 6 feet away.  And it empties our souls.

So we need to do what we can in connecting with people, however that looks.  Pursue beauty.  Watch the stars.  Gaze at sunsets.  Listen to pleasing music.  And pursue the fulfillment of the soul.

This morning I woke up and my room was glowing a strange orange.  I thought it might from the fires that we’ve been having lately as it didn’t look normal.  But when I went out the front door I realized it was a beautiful morning sunrise.  My soul needs every drop of beauty I can get.

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