To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

The Story Behind “Scripture Memorization Made Possible”

I couldn’t get out of bed. Hardly at all. I was so sick I slept 20 hours a day for a year. It was 2014 and I had the flu that I thought I could recover from like normal. Except here it is many years later and my health is still struggling.

What happened? Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome? Some strange bug? I don’t know. And thousands of dollars later I am not much ahead. Although my sleep is a little more normal.

During that particular year I felt so useless. If anyone has ever had an auto-immune disease, you probably understand.

My heart has been in teaching his Word. And at the time it was like crawling and clawing down the driveway just to have enough energy to get the mail. I don’t even like to visit those memories. But what could I do to still contribute?

It was at that time I decided to write the Scripture memorization book. I had been on a journey of memorizing large portions of Scripture and had memorized whole books of the Bible. I found things that worked and things that didn’t work. There are a lot of good books on memorizing short verses. But what books about memorizing large portions?

So in my sickness, I wrote. In those 4 hours a day of awake time, I wrote. And the result was the book above. And strangely enough I’ve sold over 5000 and was able to give away a couple of thousand. If you read the original book you may notice some signs of the brain fog, although I do have an updated version..

I’m hoping to not have to raise the cost after June 20. I’ve tried to keep it at the lowest cost Amazon allows, but as I said in a previous post, on June 20, 2023 they raise the price on everything.

And lest you think I make a living on books, I think my monthly earnings are around $5. The publisher takes most of the book sales. It’s just the way it works.

But I do hope that you will get this book, either in print or ebook form. I have not hidden it but I truly believe we are on the verse of a global collapse. Not just in the USA. And I believe this collapse will affect Bible availability.

There is a rising hostility against Christians. One retailer fired anyone who did not wear the pride ribbon as an employee at their work. A district in Utah has banned the Bible in retaliation of parents standing up against the sexualization of children, saying that the Bible is also sexual and violent. And how many have lost jobs because they wouldn’t bow to wokeness?

Christian values everywhere are being targeted in such a way that if a Christian doesn’t compromise, they pay an ever increasing price.

Martyrdom for the cause of Christ is on the rise.

We NEED to know our Bibles because of the culture wars.

And we NEED the Scriptures in our hearts lest (or when) Bibles are banned.

So check this book out. It isn’t perfect. It isn’t for everyone. But if you are wanting to memorize large portions of Scripture and not just verses, I think this will help you. And the ebook? Literally only $.99. I’m not sure you can even buy a pack of gum for that cost.

Thank you,

Graced Follower

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