To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Top 6 Signs You May be in a Cult

In the last few years I’ve studied what some would consider “cults.” What you realize quickly is that not all cults have “kolol-aid” on the menu. But they can be so destructive in their own way. Worse is that those in cults do not know it.

The more I learn, the more I am moved with compassion for those are in such cults. They are good people with good morals, but they are lost.

Here are the Top 5 Signs that You May Be in a cult:

  1. You are discouraged from seeking to research your faith outside of “official” literature. Rather you are told to just trust your leaders. Show your loyalty. And don’t ask too many questions. Critical thinking or thinking for yourself is discouraged.
  2. Your righteousness and even your salvation are dependent upon serving the organization with a lot of your time and resources.
  3. You’ve been told to doubt or be suspicious about the main 3 which is so common: 1) Reliability of the Bible, 2) The Trinity, 3) The Deity, the death and the resurrection of Jesus.
  4. There are claims that the leader hears from God and that is the final word for the people. Others are not allowed to challenge if their word/prophecy/dream truly is from God or not. Questioning is seen as lack of loyalty, lack of true belief, sinning against God and more. Questioning leaders comes with consequences of shunning and accusations instead of room to disagree.
  5. If the group claims to be a Christian group, do they demand loyalty to the organization, group, leaders or founder above Christ? If so, this is not healthy. What is the focus of the teaching. Is it truly Jesus?
  6. There are harsh consequences for leaving the organization or group such as a pronouncement of loss of salvation, social shunning even from family, and sometimes even death. (This is about leaving the particular organization, faith or group and not about leaving Jesus).

Cultish behavior can be found anymore, even in Christian churches. This can easily happen when someone with influence and leadership starts out well, is typically charismatic and wants to take their faith seriously. These are good but when power and control steps in, it becomes toxic.

Some cults stay localized and die out when the leader dies or leaves. Others spread and become influential religions in history and because where there is morality with strong community, there is loyalty.

But if you or someone you know is around one of the above, be warned. Cults endear people with their strong sense of community and their religious zeal. But these are not above truth, a truth that everyone should be free to test and explore with their leaders, within the organization/church/ward/mosque/hall and outside the organization.

If you yourself answered yes to any of the above, I implore you to take courage and do your own research. Look inside your faith and outside to see if it’s real. Look at not only those who support your beliefs but watch videos and read information from those who do not support it. See what they say. Is their truth to their claims?

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