To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Truth, the Place of Celebration – Nehemiah 8

With the lies of media and the lies of politicians and the lies of nations and lies even from God’s people, people distrust everything.   I’ve really in recent days seen more importantly how precious truth is in relationships individually and corporately.  Truth is a must in order to know how to respond.  Deception and exaggeration towards certain points of view cause wrong responses.

Israel lost the truth when they lost the Word of God.  Not only did they lose truth but they lost their home in Jerusalem and had to be deported.  Their deeds were too wicked before the eyes of God.  This is what happens when there is drift away from the Word of God.

But now Israel was back.  It had been almost 80 years since the people had started to return to Jerusalem and yet the temple was not yet built.  So Ezra returned to help them with that and was successful.  Now it was time to read to them the very Word that they had neglected.

Ezra gathered anyone and everyone who could understand, and then he stood on a platform and read to them the Law from daybreak until noon.  The Levites who were teachers explained the Law to the people so that everyone understood.

At first everyone wept and wept when they heard the Law.  Probably because they realized how far they had strayed from it, and that their exile in Babylon was because of their sin.  But Ezra instructed them otherwise.

This day is a day holy to the LORD your God.  Do not mourn or weep” (Neh 8:9).

Instead he instructed them to celebrate the way a good celebration should take pladce.

Go and eat what is rich, drink what is sweet, and send portions to those who have nothing prepared, since today is holy to our God.  Do not grieve, because the joy of the LORD is your stronghold” (Neh 8:10).

Ezra was telling them go and eat all the good stuff.  The stuff that isn’t necessarily good for you but is for the place of feasting.  And do what you do in every feast–make sure you give some to the poor.

It was a celebration beyond what could be imagined.  There was great joy among the people.  They were back in the land, the temple was built, the Word was being upheld again and all were glad of heart.

The next day after the celebration, the leaders were studying the Law and realized that they were to celebrate the Festival of Booths, Sukkot.  It was a fall harvest festival where everyone lived in booths outside in order to commemorate their ancestors in the Exodus living outside.   So they gathered all the people and told them it was time to celebrate again, this time the ancient festival.

They had not celebrated like this from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day.  And there was tremendous joy” (Neh 8:17).

Joy.  When we follow the Lord and his ways there is joy.


What We Learn from Nehemiah

What We Learn from Nehemiah

Wow Nehemiah is rich.  I think one could spend weeks and weeks in it and never plumb it's depths.  He was such an...

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