This Site Took a Huge Censorship Hit

If you are reading this, it’s because you came here directly. Over the years Google has hit this site a number of times, but nothing like recently. It isn’t surprising. Just haven’t been hit this hard before.

The stats in the pictures are real and are multiple stats from multiple different analytics groups. There’s no avoiding the hit.

The powers that be think that they are doing this for safety. Snuff out the Christian voice and all the problems go away. We know that will never be the case.

We need the voice of everyone. We need the Islamic voice on the internet, the Hindu voice, the Buddhist voice and more. No one should serve God without the free choice of knowing whether it is the truth or not.

The good news?

This has always been a journey of me in the Word. I blog whether anyone comes or not. It’s a way of personalizing His truth for me.

But if you want to be here, it will be because you have found me in the past and type this website in directly. Because of that I have added a newsletter sign on sheet. I don’t yet have a single email to send anyone. But it is the way of potential access.

If you want to stay in touch, please fill that out when the time comes. The form on the right is the one to receive any posts that have been written on a once a week basis. The sign up below is just to stay connected if/when they take it all down.

Thank you and none of this stops the kingdom. It only grows it more.

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