To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

What We Learn from Malachi

Malachi may be short but it is packed. So much comes out of it.

  1. God wants our highest honor, not our leftovers. The priests were giving him leftover sacrifices, leftover offerings, and leftovers devotion. How can leftovers be a gift? They are almost worse than no gift. God deserves our best and highest.
  2. Those in leadership hold a higher responsibility to live well and train others in righteousness. It’s not a role of privilege but one of responsibility.
  3. Messiah is coming. There are Messianic prophecies in this little book that Messiah is coming to bring reconciliation and restoration. But there will also be a curse for those who persist in unrighteousness.
  4. God hates divorce. This is a tough one in today’s day and age where divorce is just normal. Truth be told is we’ve lost and are losing relationship skills. We have learned how to be selfish. And selfishness affects marriages and can make people miserable. Love has to be intentional and sacrificial.

    On a side note, abuse isn’t of God either. If someone is in an abusive relationships, there is grace to leave I think. Although the problem is sometimes what people call abuse is not abuse. That’s the rub. When is abuse actual abuse? Physical violence is much easier to see. But emotional violence is a much harder line to draw.
  5. God wants us to bring the whole tithe in. Of course this promise was to the priests that he would bless them in doing so. And he even says to test him in this. But there is something to be said to not make money our God, but to keep it in the rightful place of worship.
  6. A day of judgment is coming. There will be a great day when God’s justice will be enacted upon humanity. The fear of the LORD should be ever before us. Yes, we have grace. But grace should not lead us to dishonoring God but loving him even more.

The Great Comings – Mal 4

The Great Comings – Mal 4

It’s coming. He is coming. And it’s scary or joyous depending on your life. First of all Malachi says the Day of the...

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