To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

When God will be Worshipped – Zech 14

God is going to bring that nations of the world against Jerusalem, and terrible things will happen. There will be killings and raping and death. It’s hard to swallow honestly. It’s hard because it says the LORD will bring the war to Israel even though war always means terrible things. Not because he does them but because it is the nature of war.

Then there’s the great reversal. Jerusalem will look like it’s going to be totally squashed, but it will all turn on its head. The LORD will fight against the nations. A plague will break out upon them. There will be earthquakes and fear and drama. Even the animals will be affected.

But the result will be that Jerusalem will be granted the plunder and be wealthy. And the survivors of all the nations and the people of Jerusalem will come and worship the LORD with great reverence and awe.

So when will this happen? Or did it?

AD 70?

The new covenant?

The millenium?

A future event?

Of course you read as many different opinions as there are commentators.

In many ways this seems like a future event. In AD 70 Jerusalem was surrounded and conquered, but they weren’t delivered.

It could be the new covenant. A time where the nations will worship the LORD.

But the millenium is a possibility too depending on your theology of the millenium.

I really don’t know. And neither do others. Sometimes when we come to these things and there is not clear fulfillment, we have to wait to see it unfold. But just lie when everyone got it wrong with how Messiah came, I’m guessing we will not have it right with this either.

What’s important is that God will deliver his people. Terrible, terrible times will come and all will look lost. For some, they will die. But in the big picture God is going to save his people. The nations will be pushed back. And the world will worship and revere the LORD.

It’s our job to stay faithful. Stay hopeful. And not to be deceived.

What We Learn from Zechariah

What We Learn from Zechariah

This book of the Bible is one I struggled with. A lot. Which is why it went so slow. Even now I think, ‘what is this...

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