5 Questions for Muslims – Tract

The people of the Middle East and Central Asia are a beautiful people. There is such rich history and culture and beauty. There is gross misrepresentation and true representation like all countries. Our countries teach us to hate one another.

The other day I was a restaurant and the person serving had on a head scarf. Where I’m from that’s not so common. But she truly looked like a lovely young woman.

It was in my heart to share with her something of the LORD but the exchange was so quick and I had nothing for her. So in case that happens again, I have a tract for her. Feel free to use it yourself.


I spent about a year and a half once studying Islam and what I read was beyond what I could have imagined in a not good way. Not the people, but the belief system.

I began to question myself why people adhered to his faith. Good people. Kind people. Wonderful people. And then I learned why. It’s because they don’t know.

It is often the case that since they are mainly only allowed to read their holy writings in ancient Arabic, there isn’t truly a good understanding of the faith. They trust what their leaders tell them and their leaders tell them the prophet is a most wonderful man, the perfect moral exemplar.

But now with search engines and things online, the truth is more accessible. And many are seeing, reading and leaving. Yet this too is a problem. Where are they going?

Oftentimes they are going to atheism and that isn’t the answer. It is Jesus who is the answer. And yet it is so hard for them to seek Jesus out as they have been told things that are so untrue about Christians and the example.

For example they are told that Christians worship 3 gods – God, Jesus, and Mary. That God and Mary had sex and produced Mary. That is horrific to Christians! And not true at all.

They are taught that the Bible is corrupted. Even though their holy book states that God’s word cannot be corrupt as he is able to preserve his word. And yet even though Muhammad commands them to read the words of the Torah and Injil, they don’t. But why? Is not God able to preserve His holy Words?

There’s so much more and I don’t want to get into it. But I have much love and compassion for the Muslim people. I just long for them to know the truth so that can make an informed choice.

So if you feel led, print this off and use it. Or find your way own way to share the truth. But let’s be in prayer for these beautiful people.


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