Leadership Matters – 2 Chr 15

Leadership Matters – 2 Chr 15

Leadership matters.  It really does.  And right now we are in a leadership crisis on a global level.  In every nation. Leadership and especially Godly leadership is important.  And that’s not just true in politics which seems the forefront right now, but also in...
But as for You – 2 Chr 15

But as for You – 2 Chr 15

Leadership matters.  Your obedience to the leading of the Lord matters.  What you do on your time on earth matters. The Spirit of the Lord came to the prophet Azariah and he prophesied to Asa, king of Israel: “For many years Israel has been without the true God,...
When Systems Fail…

When Systems Fail…

When the systems (family, church, government, etc…) put in place by God for our protection and provision fail, we are reminded to look to God, who has always been our primary source of protection and provision.  He isn’t fast.  But He is faithful.
God Troubled Them?  2 Chr 15:6

God Troubled Them? 2 Chr 15:6

“In those times there was no peace for those who went about their daily activities because the residents of the lands had many conflicts.  Nation was crushed by nation and city by city, for God troubled them with every possible distress” (2 Chr 15:6). Does...

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