To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Hello to the Cook Islands!

We had a hit from the Cook Islands and I’m so glad.

I have a special place in my heart for island folk as I lived on some Pacific islands for a couple of decades. The island cultures are truly special and unique in the world. I love your commitment to each other and making sure your lives bring honor to their people.

That and check out this beauty!

I know so very little of the gospel influence in the islands, although I do see a large congregational church. Sorry I don’t know more of this beautiful place.

But can we pray for you?

Lord, we pray for the Cook Islands. May they be a lighthouse to the world. Though small, may their influence be significant. You desire even the distant islands to worship you. Lord, root out idolatry of the past, and establish your Son as the One to be worshiped. Bless and protect the people and this land.

Thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus,


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