In You, Lord my God, I put my Trust – Ps 25

In you, Lord my God,I put my trust” (Ps 1:1).

Sometimes I stop and ask myself, “Do I trust him or don’t I?  Is he God or isn’t he?”

We default want to trust ourselves and want to make our own miracles.    Our emotional responses to difficult situations are indicators of who we are trusting.

This year I’ve thought of that often.  When I’m falling apart emotionally, I realize it’s because I’m trying to draw from my own well and it’s dry.  There’s nothing there.  And I’m afraid God won’t come through.  I won’t get help from him but will just have to let things play out in time.  Myself + time = resolve is a faulted thinking world.

“Do I trust him or don’t I?  Is he God or isn’t he?”

I was watching a video the other day on successful negotiation.  It talked about how we need to fall in love with the result not going our way.  I pondered that for a while and it is good advice.  Because when we take away are need to have things go our way, then we don’t need to result to deception, manipulation and selfish demand.

These things are similar in our relationship with the Lord.  We want what we want and we want it our way.  But when we trust, we believe that he will help us and he will help us in His way, the best way, and not our way.

No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame” (Ps 25:3)

All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful…” (Ps 25:10)

This wasn’t written when everything was nice and going well.  These things were written in terrible circumstances:

19 See how numerous are my enemies
    and how fiercely they hate me!

20 Guard my life and rescue me.

It’s easy to say nice things about God when we have the end of the story.  It’s not so much when we are living in the middle.

Oftentimes that comes from the choice of trust.  It is a decision.

In you, Lord my God,I put my trust” (Ps 1:1).

The fruit of this is hope.

May integrity and uprightness protect me,
    because my hope, Lord, is in you.