To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Nigeria, I see you Loud and Clear

Hi Nigeria. 🙂 I see you with that big red dot over in Africa. It looks like one place and if it were elsewhere in the world I might think it was a bot, but I do think you are real folk over there.

I’ve never been to Nigeria but have had a handful of Nigerian friends. They have been really great people of character. Hard working, self-supporting, and intentionally loving their people. They are men of such great honor but not in the ways of the world. They represent your nation well.

Also one of the great leaders in the body of Christ whom I have great respect is Nigerian. He works evangelizing the militants. His faith in the Lord is amazing. He just trusts God. He is so humble and uses his place of leadership to serve, caring nothing at all for any honor his position may give him. Because of this people from around the world hang out with him to catch what he has–courage, humility and service.

Nigeria, you have an important place in the body of Christ. I know so many of your people have suffered so much for the kingdom. And yet they stay the course. They remain faithful under such challenges. We can learn from you.

Continue to follow the Lord. Trust Him. Walk in His ways. You are a much more powerful nation than most understand. You are much more than people think.

Thank you for coming to this site. I am encouraged by your visits.

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