To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

The Modern Killing of Children

I watched the Sound of Freedom yesterday. You should watch it if you can. It’s about child sex slavery. Something that is the second largest business in the world, and will soon be first, overtaking the drug trade.

When you watch the movie, you begin to ask how can this be so prevalent ?

I believe it is because of many factors including internet, early exposure of things to young people, and so much more. Pedophilia is trying to be normalized. Ever heard of Minor Attracted Persons? The new white washing of evil. Although not very new.

Then last week I was listening to some Shawn Ryan podcasts. Two of his guests on there, special operators, were talking about evil in other lands where they saw children being blown up. This is evil but not in the way they think. It’s an evil perpetuated in a belief system that says the only sure way to heaven is die in battle. Therefore if you know you are a sinner and you want to be with your children in eternity, the belief system would lead people to do these kinds of things.

In this I am reminded that the root of our lives is our belief systems. If you do not believe there is a God and there’s no righteous fear of him, then we cannot be surprised when pedophilia spreads like wildfire. And when there’s a belief system that says that there is a God but your righteous deeds have to outweigh your unrighteous deeds, and the only sure way of heaven is to die in battle, then we cannot be surprised when people run to battle. And take their kids with them.

Our beliefs are our root systems in how we live.

This is true for Christians as well. Do we believe God truly loves us? Or is his love mainly for others? It will affect our attitude and how we live.

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