To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

When God Shepherds the People – Zech 10

The shepherds of the day were terrible. They didn’t care about the people. They cared about themselves.

the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd. My anger burns against the shepherds, and I will punish the leaders” (v. 2-3).

So the LORD says he himself will be their shepherd. He will turn them from a wandering, lost flock of sheep into mighty war horses (v. 3). Stallions.

He will bring them back from the land of their captivity, those that were in Assyria and that were exiled in Babylon. They will once again become like mighty men, and the former times forgotten.

Their children will be happy and there will be joy among the people. It will be as if the Red Sea was parted for them once again.

“They will pass through the sea of trouble, the surging sea will be subdued and all the depths of the Nile will dry up. Assyria’s pride will be brought down and Egypt’s scepter will pass away. I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will walk,” declared the LORD.

Even though Israel’s shepherds had failed the people, God would see that his plan and purposes for Israel would still be fulfilled.

He told the people to seek this. And ask for it.

Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who made the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plans of the field to everyone” (v. 1).

Rain wasn’t a game. It meant life. The fall and spring rains meant whether they ate or not. God said ask for the rains. He is the rainmaker, and he is going to give rain to the people. His desire was to restore and bless them.

So we see several things for this.

  1. God wants to bless the people and fulfill his promises to them, but he also asks them to pray to him, for his restoration. This connects them to the LORD and to the provision.
  2. God’s work will not be thwarted by stupid, selfish leaders. The people of Israel had leaders that did not care for the sheep, only themselves. But God would do as he promised and see his word fulfilled regardless.
  3. Our happiness is his greatest joy. And it’s true of all “parents.” What makes a parent most happy? When the kids are happy. But that doesn’t exclude truth. Truth is how we live in relationship with each other. Sin, in the long run, never brings happiness to an individual or to the community. But truth lived in love brings great joy. And that makes God happy.
What We Learn from Zechariah

What We Learn from Zechariah

This book of the Bible is one I struggled with. A lot. Which is why it went so slow. Even now I think, ‘what is this...

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