To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

Following God Only When it’s Good – Job 2

Do we love, praise, thank and appreciate God only when things in life are God?  What is our faith like when things are awful.

In this second chapter satan comes back to God and God once again takes pride in his servant Job.  But satan said it is because he himself was not suffering in his body, only his heart.  So God gives permission to test him, just not take his life.  So satan steals his health and gives him painful boils.

It has been said throughout history that your greatest wealth is your health.  I don’t fully support that quote as the greatest wealth is your relationships with the Lord with others, but it makes the point that health is a huge factor to this life.  And for Job, that was gone.

His wife told him to curse God.  If God was good, why would he allow this?

But Job says this:

Should we accept only good from God and not adversity?  Throughout all this Job did not sin in what he said” (Job 2:10).

Job had the understanding that his devotion to God was not just in the good times, but also in his suffering when he didn’t understand.

How many have walked away from God when things became so difficult that there wasn’t understanding?  How many of us have continued our relationship with God but have soured in certain aspects, not believing in his goodness to us?

Suffering is the place of reducing us to what we truly believe.  We can either let it burn us up, get burnt edges,  or be burn away the impurities.

Job from the Bible

Job from the Bible

I remember Job this morning. Not that I am him. But there seasons of the soul that we don't get answer for our...

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